
Category: News

Preview Exhibition: Howard Hodgkin

On the 26th March I was invited to a exhibition to the Burton Art Gallery in Bideford, N.Devon to see Howard Hodgkin’s new prints on paper. It was a fantastic afternoon and what made it extra special was that Mr. Hodgkin was there! This opportunity was not to be missed and I got a catalogue signed from him and also briefly spoke to him and his colleagues.

Walk Webpage

Hello, On my ‘walks’ webpage I have located all my drawings I have made on the different walks and created blue place-markers that you can click on to see each individual drawing. So get searching for any places you like in Devon or America and find if I’ve been there! Click here to go to the walks page! -Ed

My next adventure – The Mariner’s Way Walk

Hello, This year I intend on completing the old Seaman’s route called The Mariner’s Way Walk. This traditional walk runs from Bideford in North Devon to Dartmouth in South Devon and it is know as a trail that sailors used to cross when transferring from one ship onto another. The route has been estimated at approximately 70 miles and from Bideford it ...

The new website

Welcome to Edward Crumpton’s new website! It is 2011 and with a new website, new framing equipment and new layout of the studio I am ready to start the year again continuing on my effort develop my paintings a drawings. I have added a new page to the website called walks. This page displays all past routes I have taken and pin points any drawings that were ...

One year on

Dear readers, It has been almost a year since I moved into the hay loft and I would like to share with you a few pictures of what the studio now has to offer. With the framing equipment fully functional I can now quickly and easily create the perfect frame for each new drawing or painting I make. This passed year I have exhibited in a number of key gallery spaces ...

Exhibition in Bristols' Colston Hall

Hello, The art group onshow will be a exhibiting again in Colston Hall with fresh and exciting new work. This month I walked on Britain’s largest Sand Dune system, the Braunton Burrows and composed a sketch every hour for 24hours. I revisited each location every six hours to get a sense of change in the light and mood of the dunes. This work is now framed ...